no blue easy bake ovens gendered toys

Toys and Gender: Rethinking Easy-Bake Ovens and Gendered Toys

One undeniable feature of the holiday season is the abundance of toys everywhere you look. Suddenly, even stores that aren’t typically associated with toys, such as Shoppers Drug Mart or Winners, have dedicated sections displaying them. This past Christmas, one toy that stood out to me was the Easy-Bake oven. They were unmistakable: purple, adorned with pretty swirls, and marketed with tween girls on the packaging. Reflecting on my childhood in the 1980s, I recall the Easy-Bake ovens being pink and similarly aimed at girls (correct me if I’m wrong, as I never actually owned one and this is based on memory). However, a lingering question persists—why are these ovens still gendered? After all, no blue Easy-Bake ovens for boys are being marketed. Boys love baking too, and it’s high time we rethink these gendered toys.

A Gendered Past and Present

Looking at the purple, swirly Easy-Bake ovens currently on the market, I can’t help but wonder why they are still so heavily marketed to girls. The design, with its vibrant purple color and decorative flourishes, clearly signals it’s a “girl’s toy.” But does baking—a universally loved activity—need to be gendered? Growing up, I never saw boys using Easy-Bake ovens, which seemed to reinforce outdated stereotypes about baking being exclusively “girls’ work.” The lack of no blue Easy-Bake ovens for boys perpetuated the idea that cooking and baking were feminine activities. Even as adults, we know that our home ovens are gender-neutral. Isn’t it time that toys reflect this reality?

A Refreshing Discovery: A Black Easy-Bake Oven

While researching for this post, I stumbled across a pleasant surprise on the Hasbro Canada website: a black Easy-Bake oven! And guess what? There was a boy featured on the packaging! It’s a refreshing departure from the traditionally pink and purple designs. This black-and-metallic version is not only more realistic (after all, brands like Maytag and KitchenAid don’t make purple appliances for the North American market), but it’s also a step toward embracing toys that aren’t limited by gender. Seeing this product was a moment of hope—proof that we can evolve from rigid ideas about who gets to enjoy baking. However, when browsing store shelves, I still only encountered the purple versions, leaving me to wonder why no blue Easy-Bake ovens or gender-neutral options are prominently displayed in retail stores.

Breaking the Mold: Boys Love Baking Too

There is a long-standing assumption that baking is a “woman’s job,” and toys like Easy-Bake ovens historically reinforced this stereotype. However, baking is a skill enjoyed and practiced by people of all genders. Boys love baking too! From professional male chefs to dads baking with their kids on weekends, there’s no reason for toys to perpetuate gender roles. Offering no blue Easy-Bake ovens or neutral-colored alternatives ensures that boys feel included in the world of baking. While Hasbro’s black model is a step forward, it’s crucial to make such options more visible and widely available to dismantle the gendered marketing of toys.

Retailer Visibility and the Need for Change

One thing I noticed during my shopping trips was the overwhelming presence of purple Easy-Bake ovens. Despite Hasbro’s introduction of a black version, I didn’t see it prominently displayed in stores. Instead, I had to turn to online retailers like Walmart or to find the black model. This disparity in visibility suggests that we’re not fully committed to eliminating gendered toys. Retailers play a significant role in normalizing inclusivity. When no blue Easy-Bake ovens or gender-neutral designs dominate store shelves, the message remains clear: baking is for girls. It’s time for stores to stock diverse options to reflect a modern world where toys aren’t bound by outdated stereotypes.

Why Gender-Neutral Toys Matter

Gender-neutral toys are more than just a trend; they are essential for breaking down harmful stereotypes. By creating toys like the black Easy-Bake oven, Hasbro is acknowledging the need for inclusivity and diversity in toy design. No blue Easy-Bake ovens or other gendered versions should limit children’s interests or hobbies. Baking is a creative, educational, and universally loved activity that should be accessible to all kids, regardless of gender. A gender-neutral approach to toys encourages children to explore their passions freely without feeling confined by societal expectations.

A Call for Retailers and Manufacturers

Manufacturers like Hasbro have made progress by introducing the black Easy-Bake oven, but there is still work to be done. Retailers need to prioritize showcasing these inclusive designs on their shelves. If no blue Easy-Bake ovens or neutral options are visible in stores, the change remains superficial. By prominently displaying gender-neutral toys, retailers can help normalize inclusivity and challenge outdated norms. Parents and caregivers also play a role by choosing toys that reflect their children’s interests rather than adhering to traditional gender roles.

A Personal Reflection on Easy-Bake Ovens

As a child, I never owned an Easy-Bake oven, but I vividly remember them being marketed as a girl’s toy. Back then, no blue Easy-Bake ovens existed, and boys were rarely encouraged to explore baking. Now, as an adult, I see the importance of dismantling these gendered narratives. Baking is a skill that brings joy and creativity to people of all ages and genders. Toys like Easy-Bake ovens should reflect this inclusivity. Seeing the black model with a boy on the packaging is a step in the right direction, but we must ensure that such options become the norm rather than the exception.


The journey of Easy-Bake ovens from pink and purple gendered toys to the introduction of a black, gender-neutral model is a testament to how far we’ve come—but also a reminder of how much further we need to go. No blue Easy-Bake ovens or other inclusive designs should limit children’s exploration of activities like baking. It’s time for manufacturers and retailers to prioritize gender-neutral toys and for society to embrace a world where kids can freely pursue their passions. Let’s create a future where toys empower children to explore their interests, regardless of gender, and where the kitchen—whether in play or real life—is a space for everyone.

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